Google CEO Pichai:别让我们的信念被恐惧打倒
Broadcasted at December 14, 2015 at 11:25AM:Let’s not let fear defeat our values.
巴黎暴恐事件后,美国共和党的总统候选人 Donald Trump 发表评论,认为应该禁止穆斯林进入美国。这一言论一出即引起非常大的轰动,比如 Facebook CEO 扎克伯格就表示了坚决的反对。
如果你是我们社区中的穆斯林,作为 Facebook 的领导人我要告诉你们,我欢迎你们待在这,而且我们会为你们的人权而战斗,为你们创造一个和平、安全的环境。
前两天,Google CEO Sundar Pichai 在 Medium 发表了一篇题为《别让我们的信念被恐惧打倒》的文章,表达了对穆斯林以及其他少数族裔的支持。以下为全文翻译:
22 年前我从印度来到了美国。我非常幸运地得到在这里读大学的机会,而且随着时间的慢慢推移,我的努力让我得到了越来越多的机会。我在美国有了自己的事业与家庭,而且我感觉到自己就是这个国家的一员,就如我在印度感受到的的那样。
I came to the US from India 22 years ago. I was fortunate enough to gain entry to a university here, and time after time, I saw that hard work opened other doors. I have built a career and a family and a life here. And I’ve felt as much a part of this country, as I felt growing up in India.
My experience is obviously not unique. It’s been said a million times that America is the “land of opportunity” — for millions of immigrants, it’s not an abstract notion, but a concrete description of what we find here. America provided access to opportunities that simply didn’t exist for many of us before we arrived.
And it’s not just about opportunity. The open-mindedness, tolerance, and acceptance of new Americans is one of the country’s greatest strengths and most defining characteristics. And that is no coincidence — America, after all, was and is a country of immigrants.
That is why it’s so disheartening to see the intolerant discourse playing out in the news these days — statements that our country would be a better place without the voices, ideas and the contributions of certain groups of people, based solely on where they come from, or their religion.
I walk around the campus where I work and see a vibrant mix of races and cultures. Every one of those people has a different voice … a different perspective … a different story to tell. All of that makes our company an exciting and special place to be, and allows us to do great things together.
We are urgently working to become much more diverse, because it’s so important to our future success. I firmly believe that whether you’re building a company or leading a country, a diverse mix of voices and backgrounds and experiences leads to better discussions, better decisions, and better outcomes for everyone.
I debated whether to post this, because lately it seems that criticism of intolerance just gives more oxygen to this debate. But I feel we must speak out — particularly those of us who are not under attack. Everyone has the right to their views, but it’s also important that those who are less represented know that those are not the views of all.
Let’s not let fear defeat our values. We must support Muslim and other minority communities in the US and around the world.
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