If you're using the new Google Maps for desktop and you're trying to switch to the old version, Google now sends you to Google Maps Lite Mode. "To make Maps load faster, you can use a version of Google Maps called Lite mode. In Lite mode, some features are turned off so that Maps can run faster." Some examples of missing features: 3D imagery and Earth view, showing your computer's location, setting home and work, searching nearby, measuring distances, coordinates, draggable routes, embedding maps, My Maps integration.
If you're in Lite mode, you'll see a box in the bottom left with a lightning bolt and this message: "You're in Lite mode." You can click: "Switch back to full Maps" if your browser supports it.
The Lite interface uses a hamburger-style menu, just like the mobile apps.
For now, the old Google Maps is still available if you use this link: www.google.com/lochp, but there's a message which says that "this version of Google Maps is updating soon".
而今天,讓我們一起嘗試看看把另外一個很需要專案管理的服務也加上看板管理功能,那就是擁有大量我們工作檔案的雲端硬碟服務:「 Google Drive 」,透過「 Kanbanchi 」這個免費的雲端服務,我們可以在 Google Drive 中建立專案看板,並且把 Google Drive 中的文件檔案丟到看板上和團隊一起進行進度控管。
為什麼 Google Drive 上面的檔案適合透過「 Kanbanchi 」進行視覺化的看板管理呢?
大家可以回想看看,原本 Google Drive 上要和工作團隊進行檔案合作,共享了資料夾後,大家雖然共同擁有了這次專案需要的所有檔案,但這時候資料夾分類卻無法有效分配工作流程?無法清楚的指名哪個檔案文件由誰負責?也無法在 Google Drive 上看到工作進度?
而利用「 Kanbanchi 」整合 Google Dirve ,我可以把零散的文件檔案重新用下圖這樣的看板管理法分配到各自的工作進度流程上,並且畫分權責、寫上筆記、線上討論都更加的清楚方便。
當你的團隊正在使用 Google Drive 工作,並且在專案管理上覺得有所不足時,除了電腦玩物之前介紹過的一系列 Google Drive 專案管理方法外,或許「 Kanbanchi 」會是適合你的另外一個可能的好選擇。