Ingress Mods
文章翻译自: Mods
Portal mods是用来升级portal的物品,每一个portal有四个放置mod的地方。如果要给一个portal部署mod,第一需要这个portal被己方阵营控制,第二是需要有空位置来部署mod,第三你需要有足够的XM值。你同样可以移除一个mod,但是你不能够移除队友部署的mod。如果portal被摧毁了,所有的mod都会随着portal的毁灭而毁灭。 Most mods work using the diminishing return premise, where each consecutive mod of the same type has less effect towards that upgrade.Portal Stats
目前有5种mod功能* Mitigation 减缓减轻攻击
* Attack Power 自动攻击
* Distance of Link Length 增加link距离
* Number of Hacks before Burnout 在portal烧坏之前增加Hacks次数
* Wait Time between Hacks (cool down time) 减少Hacks中间等待时间
* Number of Attacks 攻击的次数
* Common
* Rare
* Very rare
Portal Mods种类
* Portal Shield* Force Amplifier
* Link Amplifier
* Multi-hack
* Heat Sink
* Turret
Portal shield可以用来抵御XMP的攻击,Portal shield用来给重要Portal增加防御力方面非常有效.
* common: +10 mitigation
* rare: +20 mitigation
* very rare: +30 mitigation
Force Amplifier增加Portal攻击效果,很好的防御mod
* Rare = +2x Damage
如果给一个Portal叠加添加Force Amplifier,第一个后面的作用效果递减
* First one = +2x damage
* Second one = +0.5x damage
* Third one = +0.25x damage
* Forth one = +0.125x damage
部署一个2倍伤害,部署四个也只有2.875倍伤害,所以不要部署一个以上Force Amplifier
部署Common需要400XM,部署Rare需要800XM,部署Very rare需要1000XM
Link Amplifier用来增强Portallink距离
* Rare = +2x Link range
和Force Amplifier一样,部署一个以上效果越来越小
* First = +2x range
* Second = +0.5x range
* Third = +0.25x range
* Forth = +0.125x range
所以目前为止最大的连接距离是655 km * 2.875 = 1883 km
* Common = +4 times
* Rare = +8 times
* Very Rare = +12 times
所以加上初始的4次Hack,你在Portal burnout前最多能够hack 4+4*12=52次
Heat Sink用来减少Hack中间冷却时间
* Common = +20% Portal Cooldown Decrease
* Rare = +50% Portal Cooldown Decrease
* Very rare = +70% Portal Cooldown Decrease
普通情况下Hack一个Portal到下一次Hack要等待5分钟,如果安装上一个Rare Heat Sink你就只需要等待2.5分钟了.mod作用效果可以叠加.计算公式
Only Very Rare Heat Sinks:
1 VR HS = 300 * 0.3 = 90 s cooldown
2 VR HS = 300 * 0.3 * 0.3 = 27 s cooldown
3VR HS = 300 * 0.3 * 0.3 * 0.3 = 8.1 s cooldown
4 VR HS = 300 * 0.3 * 0.3 * 0.3 * 0.3 = 2.43 s cooldown
Only Rare Heat Sinks:
1 R HS = 300 * 0.5 = 150 s cooldown
2 R HS = 300 * 0.5 * 0.5 = 75 s cooldown
3R HS = 300 * 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 = 37.5 s cooldown
4 R HS = 300 * 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 = 18.75 s cooldown
Only Common Heat Sinks:
1 C HS = 300 * 0.8 = 240 s cooldown
2 C HS = 300 * 0.8 * 0.8 = 192 s cooldown
3 C HS = 300 * 0.8 * 0.8 * 0.8 = 153.6 s cooldown
4 C HS = 300 * 0.8 * 0.8 * 0.8 * 0.8 = 122.88 s cooldown
Turret可以增加Portal攻击的速率,配合Force Amplifier使用会使得攻击非常困难.
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